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  1. Create and promote character building curriculum which also helps students to practice English.

  2. Create student clubs which are active in helping the community, particularly needy students.

  3. Create IEB neighborhood centers for these clubs, or have the clubs in existing schools, children’s or youth centers.

  4. Link these clubs internationally so that students encourage each other across borders, in their projects to help their communities, while also making friends with each other and learning of each other’s cultures.

  5. English is the international language, so club members apply their English to meaningful and interesting situations.

  6. Parenting and family building classes are available at IEB Centers, helping to involve the whole family.

  7. Charity projects are chosen so that IEB club members are personally involved, and can grow through the hands-on experience.

  8. Student exchange is possible so that clubs visit each other, deepening their friendships.



  1. IEB Centers

  2. English language training 

  3. Subject English class similar to bilingual, international, or schools abroad 

  4. Character building classes

  5. IEB club activities, including social work projects to help needy children

  6. Parent Meetings

  7. IEB website and online resources.  

  8. IEB Publications-  (Some of the profits of these are specifically from a book club to help the poor students.)

  9. IEB Teacher Training Program for use of IEB curriculum in schools

  10. IEB Curriculum is usable in public schools


Create your own IEB team and build SEL awareness and growth. Share your themes and projects with our global community and what you've created. 

Use our 4 step program to engage with your community. Map out your local program to engage in. Track and reflect on how your program is going. 

Become a part of our supportive online community and use our Social Emotional Curriculum to spark the minds of students, families and communities. 

Tao Te Ching

The heart that gives,


Robert Ingersoll

We rise by lifting others. 

IEB International Education Bridge 

The umbrella name comprehends a series of programs designed to link students of different regions within a country and also internationally; form a bridge of friendship and cooperation between countries and cultures, and bridge socio-economic gaps which are prevalent in modern society around the world.  A portion of the profits from each IEB Center is destined to help those in need in that locality, so that the community frequenting that center works together to change their small part of the world.






  1. Promote meaningful friendships among students across borders, while working on projects to help those in need, particularly poor students.  

  2. Promote character building education internationally.

  3. Promote intercultural understanding, appreciation, and cooperation.


From UNESCO World Education Forum – The Dakar Framework for Action – Education for All

  1. Educational programs are a key to aid poverty reduction. (p. 18, Section 2: 51). (IEB Centers and products support needy students.)

  2. Local communities should be involved in educational programs (p. 18, Section 3: 53, 54.).

  3. Programs should:

  4. Promote the full development of the human personality.

  5. Promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, (p. 19, Section 5: 58)

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